Enjoy Your Conservatory All Year Round with a Conservatory Roof Conversion

With Summer here and many of us choosing to enjoy a staycation at home due to travel restrictions, why not turn your attention to your home, and make the space somewhere you can enjoy whilst you wait for the travel restrictions to be lifted?

Long sunny days will likely make you long to enjoy your conservatory space, however unfortunately the sun will likely only make the space unbearably hot and virtually unusable.

A great way to make your conservatory space more usable, which will offer the best value-for-money, is a conservatory roof conversion. This change will allow you to make the most of your hard earned investment in both the summer and winter months.

Below we’ll take you through some more information about conservatory roof conversions and the range of benefits they can provide you with, written in collaboration with BJC Joinery, leading provider of conservatory roof conversions in Glasgow.

Creating a useful space

Last summer, we all found ourselves stuck at home. Whilst this did give us all some time to think, for many of us, all we were thinking about was where our homes need improving and creating what seems like an endless to-do list!

Should you own a polycarbonate or glass conservatory, one of the items of this list is likely ‘make the conservatory more usable’. As the moment the sun comes out, the space becomes unbearably hot.

If this wasn’t the case, imagine how useful that space would be. You would be able to sit back and relax, no matter what the weather. In fact, you would be presented with a whole new usable room within your home.

The possibilities would be endless. You could use it as a family space, a dining room, a playroom or even a home office.

Whatever you’re dreaming of, a conservatory room conversion could make it possible. Yet, for many this reason alone simply isn’t enough of a reason to make the investment. However, we haven’t covered the rest of the benefits that a conservatory roof conversion can provide.

Add value to your home

Whether you have, like many, decided to take up the offer of a stamp-duty holiday and sell up or even if you’d simply like the peace of mind that your home may earn you some extra money one day; a conservatory roof conversion is a great way to add some extra value to your home.

It will be an excellent improvement, that will allow you to enjoy your space fully every single day and enhance your property.

What was once a useless space will effectively be turned into an extension, increasing the amount of living space you have. This will, in turn, boost the sale price of your home and perk the interests of potential buyers.

Reduce your monthly bills

Choosing to replace your old conservatory roof will also help you to reduce your monthly bills, by making the space much more thermally efficient. Therefore the temperature will be kept down low in the summer and give you that much-needed warmth in the winter.

Many people who own glass or polycarbonate roofed conservatories simply don’t bother heating them in the winter as it is too much of a waste of money, however with a solid conservatory roof, your bills will be reduced dramatically.


Reduce sun glare and noise

When you choose a conservatory roof conversion, you’ll find that your space becomes a lot more pleasant all-round to enjoy. Any weather noises will be blocked out, so that you can relax in peace and sun glare will be reduced, preventing sun bleaching to soft furnishings and eliminating the need for blinds.

A conservatory roof conversion can turn a once flawed and unusable conservatory into a comfortable space to relax and enjoy for all the family. Make sure to get in touch with a conservatory roofing expert today for all of the advice you’ll need to transform your space.

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