3 Common Misconceptions About Double Glazing Windows

If you are thinking about buying new windows for your home, double glazing is undoubtedly the most popular choice due to its long lasting, low maintenance properties and of course, the wide range of colours, styles and finishes you can choose from.

However, when faced with the options for new windows, many homeowners are still mistaken with the facts about double glazing. Kenneth Hislop of Window Advice Centre – double glazing specialists in Glasgow – says “many of our customers are surprised when we tell them about double glazing, as there are a lot of things people think about double glazing that just aren’t true! It’s great to see their reaction when they find out that double glazing can add value to your home along with a long list of benefits!”

Don’t be fooled – double glazing is far more beneficial to your home than you might think! Here are 3 common misconceptions about double glazing windows and what the truth actually is.

#1. Double glazing windows all look the same

Untrue! Nowadays, double glazing windows are available to buy in a huge range of unique colours, styles and finishes. The most popular option for double glazing windows is UPVC frames, however double glazing can be supplied with frames in alternative styles and materials too, including tilt and turn, flush fit, aluminium frames, and more.  In fact, some window companies actually offer the bespoke manufacture of new windows so in some instances, you will be able to buy windows that are individually tailored to your personal specification. Did you know that you can also buy windows with a timber look and feel, but with all the advantageous properties of UPVC?


#2. Double glazing is the most expensive option for new windows

Incorrect! Obviously, with any large-scale home improvement, a sizeable investment is required to ensure that the job is completely professionally and effectively. However, where new windows are concerned, double glazing certainly isn’t the most expensive option. In fact, UPVC double glazing windows have proven themselves to be incredibly affordable and they are fast becoming the first choice for homeowners seeking new windows for their property. Windows can be supplied with more expensive materials, and in addition to double glazing is triple glazing which is also more costly.

#3. Double glazing doesn’t add value to your home

Wrong! Double glazing definitely can and will add value to your home. If you are planning to sell your property, there are a large number of improvements you can make to enhance the monetary value of your house, and replacing your current windows is one of them.

Did you know that by installing new double glazing, you could increase the value of your property by 2.5%-10%?

Not only this, but you can offer prospective buyers a wide range of other benefits with new double glazing too. The curb appeal of your home will be dramatically improved, and the thermal efficiency will be much greater, suggesting to new owners that utilities will be low cost throughout the year.

Interesting? We think so!

Before you make any home improvement that incur a considerable investment, it’s important to know all the facts. Double glazing is a priceless purchase for your property thanks to the list of advantages that come with it. Don’t be misled about double glazing! It does add value to your property, you can personalise styles to suit your requirements and it is not the most expensive option.

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