When to Sell Your Home to a Cash Buyer


Selling a home in the current market can be a strenuous undertaking. With the housing market currently favoring buyers over sellers, the latter frequently find themselves in undesirable positions. Unless your home is located in a popular area or outside of a major metropolis, your chances of receiving your asking price are slim. Since real … Read more

Use These Home Staging Tips to Prepare Your House for Sale


Many people stage their homes ahead of listing so that their home looks amazing in photos and in-person when prospective buyers stop by. Even if you don’t end up enlisting the services of a professional home staging company, there’s still a lot you can learn from them. Here’s how you should go about preparing your home for sale.

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The Importance of Buyer Feedback When Selling a Home


When selling a home, you will receive comments and opinions about your house from potential buyers and buyers’ agents who view your house. After an open house, the seller’s real estate agent sends emails to buyers and buyers’ agents to ask their opinion about the house. Some buyers will respond while others will not but the information you receive will be substantial.

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